
  • 182

  • 59 677

  • 2 917

  • 296 919

Organization Employees # Registered Participants % Participation Total KM CO2 Avoided (kg) Fuel Saved (litres) Calories Burned
17 Wing Winnipeg 2500 12 8 0.32% 608 135 57 25137
24-7 Intouch 200 6 4 2% 459 101 43 14866
514 RGJ 3 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0
Access Fort Garry 275 2 2 0.73% 192 36 18 3986
Access River East 200 11 9 4.5% 579 125 51 17081
Armstrong & Small Eyecare Centre 10 1 1 10% 33 7 3 1386
Armtec Inc 55 1 1 1.82% 2 0 0 63
Artbeat Studio 5 4 4 80% 202 36 17 4185
Artis REIT 108 14 10 9.26% 850 131 56 3437
Assiniboine Credit Union 480 151 122 25.42% 12166 2397 1000 98856
Assiniboine Park 200 7 5 2.5% 496 111 47 17238
Assiniboine Park Zoo 100 7 4 4% 311 53 19 4721
Aviva Health Solutions 10 1 1 10% 96 21 9 4011
Ayshkum Engineering 8 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0
Beagle North 204 2 1 1 50% 80 18 8 3360
Bike Week Winnipeg 9 9 9 100% 1182 265 112 49644
Bikes and Beyondd 30 8 8 26.67% 342 77 32 14351
Canada Life - Canada Vie 3274 152 125 3.82% 11207 2252 978 65022
Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment 8 8 8 100% 732 164 70 2323
Canadian Foodgrains Bank 45 15 13 28.89% 1015 174 77 14120
Canadian Grain Commission 150 3 3 2% 268 56 25 7812
Canadian Mennonite University 200 10 7 3.5% 566 107 45 15784
Canadian Museum for Human Rights 200 2 2 1% 208 35 19 3480
Cargill 250 1 0 0% 0 0 0 0
Cascades Containerboard Packaging 54 14 4 7.41% 231 32 11 0
Chambers Fraser CPA 9 9 9 100% 856 181 68 6111
Chief Peguis Middle School 60 7 5 8.33% 374 62 27 3788
Childrens House 13 1 1 7.69% 12 3 1 496
City of Winnipeg 1 70 49 4900% 4448 872 356 84709
City of Winnipeg 4 10 9 225% 619 137 58 23173
City of Winnipeg 1000 14 9 0.9% 1094 216 94 24297
City of Winnipeg - City Clerks 45 20 19 42.22% 1836 289 118 12701
Civil Service Superannuation Board 70 1 1 1.43% 112 25 11 4704
CMHR-MCDP 200 9 5 2.5% 157 27 14 3037
CMU Centre For Resilience 20 5 3 15% 57 11 4 1512
Collège Béliveau 100 1 0 0% 0 0 0 0
Colliers Project Leaders 30 5 5 16.67% 294 57 24 8211
Commuter Challenge 1 2 2 200% 76 11 6 0
Crosier Kilgour and Partners 90 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0
Crosier Kilgour and Partners - IDI 95 41 37 38.95% 4071 839 361 107120
Custom castings 140 2 2 1.43% 21 5 2 874
D'Arcy & Deacon LLP 60 2 1 1.67% 30 7 3 1260
Dakota Collegiate 130 9 7 5.38% 472 105 45 19538
Day Nursery Centre 13 1 1 7.69% 16 3 1 651
Dillon Consulting Limited 120 4 4 3.33% 310 64 25 210
Diva Delights 80 1 1 1.25% 30 7 3 1252
Dominion Clan 4 2 1 25% 18 3 1 353
Down Town Winnipeg Biz 40 2 1 2.5% 37 7 3 1050
Dubyts Communications 4 4 4 100% 478 100 45 1992
Ecole Charleswood School 5-1 Paas 27 1 1 3.7% 35 8 3 1470
Ecole Munroe Middle School 35 4 2 5.71% 124 27 11 4704
Ecole Provencher 30 1 1 3.33% 40 9 4 1680
Ecole Sage Creek School 80 14 11 13.75% 886 163 76 19876
Efficiency Manitoba 76 22 18 23.68% 1490 321 139 8816
ELCIC 10 7 7 70% 475 82 38 7598
Emerge Knowledge 25 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0
Emerge Knowledge 21 21 21 100% 55341 12404 5256 4141
End Homelessness Winnipeg 32 1 1 3.13% 19 4 2 815
Epp Siepman Engineering 26 26 26 100% 2673 475 215 39841
Equilibrium Massage Therapy 11 2 2 18.18% 76 17 7 3200
Fillmore Riley LLP 150 14 10 6.67% 522 108 46 15167
Fisheries and Oceans 300 4 2 0.67% 197 44 19 6587
Fisheries Oceans Canada 200 2 2 1% 100 22 10 1680
FortWhyte Alive 45 4 4 8.89% 462 91 31 10706
FortWhyte Alive Commuters 25 2 1 4% 80 15 4 1029
Frontier School Division 75 1 1 1.33% 60 13 6 2520
ft3 39 18 16 41.03% 1213 212 86 23270
G3 Canada Ltd 100 26 20 20% 2358 462 205 42847
Garden City Collegiate 120 1 1 0.83% 28 6 3 1176
George N.Jackson Limited 50 1 1 2% 28 6 3 1176
Government of Manitoba Employees 8000 91 70 0.88% 6363 1196 540 79455
Grace Hospital 1000 3 2 0.2% 138 30 13 3360
Great Plains Publications 3 3 3 100% 239 47 19 5464
Green Action Centre 20 9 8 40% 473 94 42 10366
Hatch 9000 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0
Hatch Ltd 80 24 19 23.75% 1822 294 157 18756
Health Canada 25 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0
Home Street Mennonite Church 150 17 16 10.67% 1388 256 103 28476
HSC Microbiology Laboratory 50 10 8 16% 491 76 36 5820
HTFC Planning and Design 31 15 15 48.39% 1066 188 81 20652
IGM Financial 1200 53 42 3.5% 5566 1220 515 91921
IKEA Winnipeg 300 6 2 0.67% 93 21 9 3318
Immigrant Centre Manitoba Inc. 40 8 3 7.5% 185 39 17 6636
Indian food corner 20 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0
Individual 1 1 0 0% 0 0 0 0
InterGroup 3 3 3 100% 165 32 13 3720
IVC Vita Health 600 11 10 1.67% 683 136 52 13045
John W. Gunn Middle school 50 6 4 8% 268 60 25 11256
Johnston Group 310 28 21 6.77% 2393 481 201 19554
Kevin and Anita Miller 2 2 2 100% 558 102 39 12327
Klinic Community Health 150 39 34 22.67% 1464 297 125 34682
Ladco Company Limited 30 19 14 46.67% 1402 256 107 35465
Landmark Planning & Design Inc. 13 11 11 84.62% 915 160 72 13368
Living Prairie Museum 5 4 3 60% 271 59 25 10746
Love 30 2 2 1 50% 110 25 10 4620
Magellan Aerospace 600 57 46 7.67% 4483 844 340 53557
Manitoba Arts Council 15 7 7 46.67% 284 58 27 9372
Manitoba Council for International Cooperation 15 8 8 53.33% 605 117 55 13140
Manitoba Eco-Network 2 1 1 50% 90 15 8 1233
Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation 14 9 9 64.29% 1015 218 91 14753
Manitoba Health 500 6 5 1% 434 73 30 8221
Manitoba Hydro (official) 3137 613 577 18.39% 61150 11799 5185 476811
Manitoba Museum 71 23 18 25.35% 1174 219 101 18556
Maples Collegiate 150 10 9 6% 934 195 80 31958
Mennonite Central Committee 67 3 2 2.99% 144 32 14 6027
Misericordia Health Centre 1000 73 48 4.8% 2673 507 224 70635
MLT Aikins LLP 500 2 2 0.4% 119 27 11 4998
Momenta 12 1 0 0% 0 0 0 0
Monarch Industries 200 1 1 0.5% 66 15 6 1109
Narratives Inc. 35 14 11 31.43% 703 124 59 6807
Native Plant Solutions 22 8 6 27.27% 450 85 36 7147
New Flyer Industries 800 1 1 0.13% 162 22 14 294
NLHRS 18 11 11 61.11% 1984 348 108 21571
Number Ten Architectural Group 86 12 8 9.3% 469 103 44 16486
Office of the Auditor General of Manitoba 53 6 6 11.32% 302 66 29 3536
Opportunities for Employment Inc. 64 64 64 100% 5987 905 398 48198
Parian Logistics 300 1 1 0.33% 32 7 3 0
Parks Canada 20 14 9 45% 295 62 28 9958
Pico architecture 8 8 8 100% 722 111 45 9534
Pitblado Law 160 21 19 11.88% 1219 200 95 16721
Pollard Banknote 500 2 1 0.2% 30 7 3 1243
Prairie Research Kitchen 11 1 1 9.09% 94 21 9 3946
Price Industries 600 1 1 0.17% 5 1 0 210
Princess Auto 500 10 10 2% 715 143 61 23134
Prosecutions 300 3 2 0.67% 104 19 10 1218
PROVINCE OF MANITOBA 100 22 20 20% 1724 355 160 40622
Public Services and Procurement Canada - Government of Canada 140 6 4 2.86% 174 39 16 1827
Quadrant Private Wealth 32 13 11 34.38% 1561 303 140 16388
Red River College Polytechnic 1800 117 99 5.5% 15732 3152 1302 192364
Research Support Unit at CHRIM 6 6 6 100% 1021 211 81 7396
River Heights School 35 11 8 22.86% 287 61 26 10888
S.S.i. ~STUARTs_SERVICEs_integrated 1 0 0 0% 63 14 6 2633
Seven Oaks General Hospital 1 2 1 100% 66 9 6 0
Shared Health 17500 54 42 0.24% 3353 692 300 58084
Shared Services Canada 100 2 2 2% 170 30 12 0
Simaril 200 1 1 0.5% 202 26 16 0
St Amant 2000 29 25 1.25% 2604 545 230 14470
St James Assiniboia School Division 8095 1 0 0% 0 0 0 0
St. James-Assiniboia School Division 1000 7 5 0.5% 494 95 40 14448
St. John’s-Ravenscourt School 100 2 0 0% 0 0 0 0
St. Paul's High School 70 17 9 12.86% 939 168 61 15661
StandardAero, Ltd 1500 4 4 0.27% 343 66 30 7833
Sustainable Building Manitoba 1 1 0 0% 0 0 0 0
Taylor McCaffrey LLP 150 19 17 11.33% 1517 226 110 4889
Team Ames 4 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0
The Hive Climbing and Fitness 27 2 0 0% 0 0 0 0
The Home Depot 100 2 0 0% 0 0 0 0
The Pawsh Dog 20 1 1 5% 36 8 3 1512
The Salvation Army Correctional and Justice Services Winnipeg 7 1 0 0% 0 0 0 0
The Winnipeg Civic Employees' Benefits Program 45 3 2 4.44% 209 43 20 6888
The Winnipeg Foundation 67 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0
Theatre Cercle Moliere 12 4 2 16.67% 184 30 11 1344
Transport Canada 3 5 1 33.33% 149 33 14 798
True North Sports + Entertainment 0 3 3 0% 215 38 20 4469
Unemployed 1 1 1 100% 58 13 5 2423
United Way Winnipeg 75 13 13 17.33% 17353 3889 1648 728296
University of Manitoba 5 4 2 40% 157 35 15 2898
University of Manitoba 48 1 1 2.08% 42 9 4 1764
University of Manitoba - Faculty of Science Dean's Office 2000 6 4 0.2% 181 28 16 2174
University of Manitoba - FKRM 15 8 8 53.33% 601 122 52 18333
University of Manitoba - Staff and Faculty 6000 146 120 2% 9448 1839 798 210510
University of Manitoba - Student 12000 76 33 0.28% 2996 505 212 40756
University of Manitoba Students Union 30 2 1 3.33% 149 25 12 2226
University of Winnipeg 1186 31 23 1.94% 1419 270 125 27919
Urban Systems Winnipeg 15 3 2 13.33% 47 7 3 193
Valley Gardens Middle School 50 16 12 24% 856 174 72 27932
Veterans Affairs Canada MB Employees 150 6 6 4% 1863 406 167 6962
Video King Gaming and Entertainment 14 3 2 14.29% 122 27 12 3780
Wawanesa Insurance 5000 1 1 0.02% 48 11 5 2012
Westgate Mennonite Collegiate 45 9 5 11.11% 266 60 25 11189
Whyte Ridge School 40 1 1 2.5% 156 35 15 6557
Winnipeg Architecture Foundation 4 4 4 100% 206 41 19 6424
Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce 20 1 1 5% 45 10 4 1260
Winnipeg Firefighters 5 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0
Winnipeg Folk Festival 22 14 13 59.09% 1007 181 70 14576
Winnipeg Parole Office 50 1 1 2% 67 15 6 2814
Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra 90 4 4 4.44% 154 33 15 5946
Winnipeg transit 2000 2 2 0.1% 202 44 19 7854
Wolseley Law LLP 11 8 6 54.55% 190 40 18 6637
Woodcock Cycle Works 45 3 1 2.22% 131 29 12 5511
WPS 500 6 6 1.2% 686 141 52 19654
WRHA - 490/496 Hargrave 400 22 17 4.25% 1479 279 129 31118
City Totals 105964 2378 296919 59677 25580 3789813